Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Bad-day fix

Got a letter from Corb today... It's actually really good, I'm satisfied and I'll be able to put issues on the backburner until he returns home. And by then I'll be way over life... However, he totally got out all of the old letters I wrote and brought up all of these things that I had said in the past!! Cross-referencing is not fair, totally against the rules. But whatever, it's done and I promise I'll stop bringing it up. Peace out problems!!

I also wanted to take back all the negativity generated by my remarks two days ago... Yesterday I had some misfortune again... (No seriously, like almost everyday) While digging in my bag for my lifeless ipod, I was going to my bro's for help and sympathy, I was at a red light. Out of the corner of my eye I saw all the cars around me moving, naturally I lifted my foot from the pedal (No, I didn't hit the gas people) ... Ya, I'm pretty sure I rammed into the SUV (luckily) in front of me. It was a tap more than anything, well tap/ram. It didn't do a thing to the chick's vehicle, but ripped my liscence plate and liscence plate holder thing? I've got a new passenger now... Uhh, not funny. But my whole point to this story is to prove (mostly to myself) that with the bad there is also ALWAYS good.

After collapsing in my brother's arms who, by the way provided NO sympathy, just pointed out the fact that it's just my idiotic actions spoiling my life, I calmed down and pulled it together. I left his apartment and went straight to the hospital. I held my niece Madi for at least 40 minutes, she just slept but it made me feel so much better!! It fixed my day completely. So my genius self just realized that somehow I need to make my bad luck come early in the day so I can get over it, then I'll do something miraculous, such as witness brand new pure life and Vouala!! Fixed. Plus I bought new music, so that added bonus points to my day, which I think I'll use to get me out of the hole from the last few days of crappy.

If anyone wants to see my room clean, now is a good time!!!

Song: Death Cab, Plans (whole album)

This is all that's been with me for the last few days while my ipod's been under construction and I'm still not sick of it yet! So it's all that I know.... Just kiddin, but it really is amazing if you haven't chosen to go get it yet I strongly suggest you do so. It makes me happy.


Anonymous said...

The beauty of blogs....all the emotion, drama and stalkers?! Hope your slump takes you to higher ground..start paddling, you'll make it there--one car ram at a time...nighty-night.

Anonymous said...

wow candi i had no idea you rear-ended someone... im going to be honest and tell you something really embarassing for me. i rear-ended two different people, backed into a pole, side nicked the back end of another car, and backed into my best friends car when i was 16. sad i know. i hope that makes you feel better. it makes me want to cry. we should get together and wallow together b/c i dont have anyone to sympathize with either :-)